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Mirai Kanai - Atlanta,  is an Okinawan Eisa Taiko group part of Atlanta Okinawa Kenjin-Kai.  The word Mirai Kanai means "Future's Path".  Our purpose is to continue to perform our trational okinawan eisa taiko for our audience and allow our young generation to continue our rich tradition. 

Mirai Kanai performs throughout the year.  JapanFest is the biggest event we perform which takes place in the Gwinnett Convention Center every September. 

Last year we had the honor to perform with other Eisa Taiko groups throughout the U.S. and an Okinawan group during the 100th Anniversary Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. This year we will perform at the 101th Anniversary Cherry Blossom Festival in Washington D.C. which takes place April 12-14, 2013.


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